Dear Students,
On behalf of the Asher University family, I am pleased to welcome you into the exciting educational journey that you have chosen to pursue. At Asher University, you will be afforded many opportunities to grow and expand your knowledgebase. You will interact with and learn from some incredibly talented individuals. Most exciting of all, you will learn the concept of a Christian worldview so you may bring this knowledge with you as you further your educational goals.
The atmosphere at Asher University is unique. I am proud of the comfort our students will feel when they enter a classroom or attend online. Being in a nurturing Christian environment, you will discover the ease at which you will interact with your instructors and the guidance that you will receive throughout your entire experience.
It has been our Christian calling to strengthen the community with exceptional graduates. As we embark upon our 1st year of service, I am incredibly proud of our supporters. I would like to include you as one of our own.
At Asher University, every member of our institution is dedicated to your success. From your first moments on campus or attending online, to the moment you walk across the stage for graduation, we will be with you every step of the way. Welcome to the Asher University family.
Asher University