Student Life
Counseling Services
The university provides confidential personal counseling for issues of adjustment, relationships,
and personal or spiritual development. These issues are handled primarily by the Asher University Pastor.
All services, including referrals to a licensed counselor, will be provided as needed.
Devotions and Chapel Program
A program of worship and spiritual nurturing is built into the structure of the university to
underscore and augment its Christian character. Devotionals are provided through email to all
students. On-ground chapels are conducted periodically throughout each quarter.
Handicap Access Policy
Asher University, is in accordance with its mission to offer students the opportunity to
successfully complete a four year education from Christian perspectives, seeks to
provide equal opportunity to persons with handicaps in access to the college’s facilities,
programs, activities and services.
Student Employment
Most students have jobs outside of the school but a limited number of federal work-study jobs
are available to qualified students. Applications for these jobs can be obtained through the
University Financial Aid Administrator.
Community/Church Service
As an expression of their commitment to the Body of Christ, the university encourages its students
to maintain active involvement with their own local church. While participation in the life of the
The University is desirable, it is recognized that the time students can devote to extra-curricular
activities may be limited due to jobs, family commitments and responsibilities in their churches
or volunteer service within the local community.
Student Policies
Code of Conduct
A key objective here at Asher University is the development of Christian character within the philosophy and framework of genuine Christ like conduct. Asher University is a community of both developing scholars and growing Christians. The university expects students to take seriously their membership in the Asher University community. It should be viewed as a privilege that includes opportunities for academic, personal, and spiritual growth within a sound and balanced setting. Students, by their voluntary membership in that community, also accept certain responsibilities. Student lifestyle expectations arise both from Biblically-derived principles and specific community concerns. Scripture teaches that certain attitudes and actions should characterize our walk as Christians. We are responsible to pursue righteousness and practice justice and mercy towards all. Our aim should be to exhibit humility, honesty, a forgiving spirit, faith, hope, and love in our relationships.
On the other hand, the Bible condemns as morally wrong attitudes such as greed, jealousy, pride, lust, bitterness, uncontrolled anger, hatred and prejudice based on race, sex or social status. Expressly forbidden activities include such things as drunkenness, theft, “sins of the tongue” (profanity, vulgarity, slander, and gossip), dishonesty in any form, occult practices, illegal activities, and sexual sins. Community concerns, although inferred from Scripture, are based more particularly on a desire to encourage an atmosphere appropriate to our purposes. Some individuals may disagree with one or more elements of these standards. Nonetheless, it is expected that all students who voluntarily join the Asher University community through formal enrollment will abide by these guidelines:
1. The attitudes and behaviors specifically prescribed or forbidden by Scripture as listed above shall guide the faith and conduct of all members of the Asher University.
2. Individuals related to the Asher University community are expected to uphold the laws of the local community, and the State of California.
3. The College recognizes the danger to personal health that the use of tobacco and alcohol present. State law makes it illegal for individuals under age 21 to consume alcohol. No use of alcohol will be allowed on the university premises. Smoking is prohibited on university property. A pattern of drunkenness is a condition which Asher University will not tolerate.
4. Members of the Asher University community are to refrain from engaging in any pattern of gambling (exchange of money or goods by betting or wagering). It is viewed as an unwise use of God-given resources with damaging implications for both personal and family life.
5. The use or possession of illegal drugs, which are not physician authorized, is forbidden. In the event of a drug related incident, immediate disciplinary action will be taken, including reporting to the local authorities. Any student who is in a room or vehicle where drug use is taking place is subject to immediate dismissal. In addition, the university reserves the right to require a test for drugs for probable cause.
6. Because of the value we place on the worth and dignity of individuals as created in the image of God, Asher University does not condone any form of sexual harassment, whether verbal, physical or both. Discrimination against others based on race, national origin, sex or handicap will not be tolerated.
7. Standards of dress and adornment should be dictated by modesty, decency, and appropriateness. Our personal goals should reflect the desire to dress so as not to draw another person into sin.
8. The pornography industry produces immoral products that are exploitive of people. Consequently, pornographic materials should be avoided (including via electronic media, i.e., the Internet or phone messages). The College reserves the right to begin a
disciplinary process if a personal problem in this area becomes a public issue.
9. Thoughtful choices, governed by discretion and restraint, should be made in selecting entertainment and recreation. Social activities that are of questionable spiritual value or that detract from one’s moral sensitivities should be avoided.
10. As a Christian academic community, academic dishonesty (including cheating, plagiarism, and misappropriating library materials) is regarded as a serious violation of community standards that will be handled according to established grievance procedures.
11. It is to be understood that any unauthorized disclosure of restricted or classified information regarding the operations of Asher University and its administration, staff, faculty and students is prohibited and punishable by law. Such information is the property of Asher University and is not to be removed from the premises. This information includes, but is not limited to, information data, zip drives, CD-ROM, tapes, recordings, e-mail, unauthorized written, typed or copied material Students are required to sign the “Code of Conduct” as part of the application process. By this signing they affirm their agreement to abide by it for the duration of their enrollment with the College. The signed copy becomes part of the student’s permanent file.
Student Discipline
Students who violate these expectations and standards should expect consequences for their behavior. The principle of accountability is basic to providing a climate which encourages students to take responsibility for their own actions. Students can expect to be confronted, counseled, advised, and when warranted, disciplined. The discipline process is designed to help students in their personal maturing and to restore them to good standing in the University community, where possible.
Types of Disciplinary Action
Formal practices in disciplinary cases may vary with the seriousness of the offense and the sanctions to be applied. The student’s cumulative record of conduct is taken into account. The range of possible sanctions includes:
• Restitution: repayment for damages, both direct and indirect costs.
• Reprimand: verbal warning with written notation in student’s file for a specified period of time.
• Probation: a period of time to review the student’s behavior and provide opportunity to change with notation in student’s file for a specified time; college financial aid may be affected.
• Suspension: separation of the student from the university for a specified time with notation in student’s file; formal re-application to the university may be required.
• Dismissal: permanent exclusion of the student from the College with notation on the permanent transcript and possible barring from the university premises.
Due Process/Grievance Procedure
When a student believes he or she has been treated unfairly by the university, and some adjustment in the outcome of the situation is sought, the following procedure should be followed:
1. The student will discuss the issue directly with the person(s) concerned prior to initiating any other action.
2. If the student believes that approach has not been satisfactorily productive and desires a further hearing of the matter, a written request is to be submitted to the appropriate university officials.
a. If the matter concerns another student or an area of student life, the student must contact the Chief Academic Officer and explain the matter in writing, identifying himself or herself.
b. If the matter concerns a faculty member or the academic program, the student should contact the Chief Academic Officer, explaining the situation in writing, identifying himself or herself. In either case, the matter will be open for discussion and resolution.
3. If this does not result in student satisfaction, the student may appeal in writing to the Asher University President. At this level, the matter will be reviewed and a final ruling given.
4. A student may file a complaint about this institution with the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education by calling (888) 370-7589 toll-free or by completing a complaint form, which can be obtained on the Bureau’s Internet website,