A full, well-rounded education best equips a Christian for a life of service to Jesus Christ, the church, and society. A broad and integrated understanding of the world, cultivated within the context of Christian faith, best enables students’ development as successful and effective men and women.
Thus, we believe it is essential for students to have some genuine understanding of basic areas of knowledge such as History, Literature, the Natural Sciences, Psychology, Theology, and Sociology. These and other subjects are in the “Liberal Arts.” These traditional fields of learning focus on understanding: (1) the physical world, (2) what it means to be human, and (3) what it means for humans to live together in society.
The Liberal Arts are the studies which liberate the individual. They provide the basic knowledge and intellectual skills to help students become “freely” functioning beings; ones who think for themselves, and who are capable of lifelong learning, discovery. As such, our Liberal Arts curriculum focuses on general knowledge and general intellectual skills such as careful, critical, and analytical thinking, reading, writing, and speaking. This comprehensive holistic approach to learning take place within the context of Christian faith. This approach to learning will results in an experience which truly nurtures our students’ souls and intellects.